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Established in 1749, the small town of Dumfries actually serves as a thriving port for many years. Today, the community is enjoying an economic boom that reflects the rapid growth taking place throughout Prince William County. Dumfries downtown district, lined with quaint and historic buildings, presents a charming and delightful atmosphere for those who enjoy browsing and socializing. Many affordable single-family homes combine with opportunities for a maintenance-free lifestyle in the local townhouse developments and rentals. The driving time to the District of Columbia is approximately 45 minutes, although a mass transit passenger rail service is available from nearby Quantico. Lush parks with added attractions like a museum and relaxing picnic areas are available for recreation and outdoor activity. More extensive facilities can be found in nearby Locust Shade Park, which offers fishing areas, a golf range, tennis courts and fitness trails.
131 listings with an estimated median price of $599,990
(Data as of 9/23/2024)
The population of the community broken down by age group. The numbers at the top of each bar indicate the number of people in the age bracket below.
Total: 5,409
Median Age: 33.49
The Temperature chart displays average high and low values for January and July, and is designed to provide an indication of both seasonal and daily temperature variability. The Weather Risk Index indicates the calculated risk of each type of weather event occurring in the future. This risk is based on historical localized storm events and weather patterns. The national average for each type of weather event equals a score of 100, so a score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk of the national average.
The Community Educational Index chart is based on the U.S. Census Bureau's Socioeconomic Status (SES) elements. Factors used in creating the index below are income, educational achievement, and occupation of persons within the selected ZIP code. Since this index is based on the population of an entire Zip code, it may not reflect the nature of an individual school.
The Fair Market Rents show average gross rent estimates based on figures provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The Smoking Ban data indicates whether an area has a smoking ban in place for workplaces, restaurants or bars. This information represents that of the search area and may not reflect that of the whole County or State.
The Crime Index compares the risk or probability of future occurrence of certain types of crime in this community as compared to the national average. The national average for each type of crime equals a score of 1.0, so a score of 2.0 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 0.50 would represent half the risk of the national average.
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