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Price your home right with Weichert
Online home value estimates are only accurate within 10-20 percent. And many are off by much more than that. For example, a home in Middletown, NJ had an online estimated value of $342,004 prior to listing with Weichert. We sold the home for $475,000--the original online estimate was off by $132,996 (39%)!
Get a complimentary, on-site Price Trend Analysis
Weichert has developed an innovative financial tool to measure current price trends and predict future ones. Your Sales Associate--a highly trained and knowledgeable real estate professional – will masterfully perform this in-depth consultation, going far beyond typical evaluations. He or she will assess your home’s special features and amenities, unique property and specific location, and will factor them into our exclusive analysis to determine a more accurate selling price. No online home value estimator can do that.
If your house is currently listed with another broker, this is not intended as a solicitation of that listing. Your personal information will never be sold or shared.