Loan Programs for those with Less Than Perfect CreditBuying a new home is one of the most exciting - and stressful events in life… Will your loan be approved? How much can you afford? What will your monthly payments be?Some lenders put you through the wringer with questions and then make you wait for answers. At Weichert Financial Services, we do everything in our power to say “Yes” rather than “no”. If you can answer “YES” to all of the following statements, Weichert Financial Services may be able to provide the mortgage financing you need: - I currently own or plan on purchasing a one to four family home.
- I am not currently in bankruptcy.
- I am not currently involved in a real estate foreclosure.
- I have paid the majority of my rent or mortgage payments on time over the past 12 months.
If you answered “Yes” to all of the above statements, we’d like to hear from you today!Call one of our Weichert Financial Services Mortgage Finance Specialists at 1-800-829-2274 ext. 8009. Don’t let less than perfect credit or a lack of credit references prevent you from purchasing the home of your dreams! Starting right now, we’ll help you explore flexible home financing options to give you an immediate sense of control. |